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Benefits for Public Administrations

HomeBenefits for Public Administrations

The service offered by our company to restore road safety conditions and reintegrate environmental matrices after an accident, produces significant benefits for the owners of road networks, including:

  • reduction to zero of the accident rate due to failure to restore road safety;
  • safeguarding the environment damaged by the occurrence of polluting events;
  • scrupulous respect for the control of the waste chain abandoned on the ground following accidents;
  • restoration of road and road traffic in a very short time;
  • improvement of the image of “public affairs”.

Ensuring the quality of service has always been one of our priorities, which has found, in listening to the requests and observations of public administrations with which we relate, a decisive impulse to improve and innovate.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to activate a convention

It is necessary that the Contracting Body of the Convention informs the Police present on the territory of the activation of the post accident recovery service.

The road safety restoration service can be made operational through a note within the Administration, the c.d. Letter to Operatives, that establishes clearly and unequivocally the obligation on the part of the Police to contact the toll free number 800.89.89.89 for any news of casualty.

The Administration must specify to the addressees of the Communication that the service to restore road safety conditions and reintegrate environmental matrices has been entrusted to Sicurezza e Ambiente S.p.A. and that therefore the reporting of any road accident is immediately communicated to the Operations Centre for Safety and Environment S.p.A., so that the same one can send on the place (within 30 minutes) the Operating Logistic Center more near the place of the casualty. This procedure, in addition to making the operation of the service efficient, allows to release the Administration from the responsibilities referred to in art. 14 of the Highway Code. It should also be noted that by virtue of the fact that the costs of carrying out the service are incurred by the insurance companies RC Auto of the accident managers is essential to provide the company Security and Environment S.p.A. – 25 interested party pursuant to art. 11 paragraph 4 of the Highway Code – copy of the report containing the reconstruction of the accident, in order to ensure due relief

What is the duration of a convention?

On average it has a duration of 3 years from the date of subscription with an extension period thereafter. At the end of the term of the agreement, if a new award has not yet been made. Security and environment as signatory of the Convention will ensure the continuity of the service until the executive assignment with any new trustee.

Who is legally responsible for a concession scheme?

The “Concession of services” represents the full translation of the subjective, passive and active legal position by the Authority in favour of the entrusted economic operator, In fact, the latter bears the burdens and responsibilities arising from the management of the service. Sicurezza Ambiente has also taken out an insurance policy that, unlike those owned by other operators, guarantees liability coverage for any damage to third parties, verifiable as a result of the failure or late post-accident recovery.

Is the infrastructure restoration service always offered in any condition?

No, the restoration of infrastructure involves the subjective identification of civil liability. There must always be the data (license plate and insurance company for the A.R.) necessary to identify the vehicles involved in the road accident that has compromised the infrastructure to be restored.

How is the waste collected disposed of?

The waste is placed in “temporary storage” at the headquarters of each of the CLO. Within 10 days from the production of waste, by the holder of the same (operator-producer), the waste will be noted, with loading operation, on the appropriate “Register of loading and unloading of waste”, endorsed to the competent CCIAA.

The waste in temporary storage is collected, within 12 months of its production, by specialized conveyors and sent to a suitable facility for disposal or recovery. The relevant FIR shall be completed with the indication of the date of transport, the type and quantity of the waste, the destination of the transport and the plant. Indicating in the field “FIR record” Safety and Environment as intermediary in waste management.

The form shall be countersigned for acceptance by the receiving plant. The facility will indicate the exact amount (weighed) of the waste delivered, and the fourth copy of the FIR will be sent to the CLO.

Although they may seem long and cumbersome, these operations are necessary to ensure the correct disposal of waste, in accordance with current environmental legislation and in transposition of the European Union Legislation on waste management. The added value of a company that has made sustainability and environmental protection, the distinctive elements of its service.